
Tie Rod Cylinders


tie rod cylinders


H6 Heavy Duty Hydraulic

我们的H6买足球app推荐是为了处理最坚固的应用,并在夹具的高需求, stamping, forging, bending, tilt and shearing processes.

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A4 Heavy Duty Pneumatic

适用于气动缸优于液压缸的应用场合, our A4 Heavy-Duty Pneumatic is an excellent choice.

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H4 Medium Duty Hydraulic

Built solidly for medium-duty applications, 我们的H4中型液压缸是夹紧的绝佳选择, stamping, forging, bending, tilt and shearing jobs.

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L4 Permanently Lubricated Pneumatic

买足球app推荐L4买足球app推荐是专为高周期,长冲程应用. 此外,它们非常适合不提供在线注油器的应用.

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A2 Light Duty Pneumatic


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H2 Light Duty Hydraulic


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当你正在寻找一个可靠的拉杆缸从重型到轻型液压和气动, Yates has one that's sure to fit your needs:

  • Bore Size From 1.5" - 24"
  • 23 Different Mount Types
  • NFPA, JIC Interchangeability, & custom
  • 3 Year Limited Warranty
  • Specials to 50" Dia. Bore & Length over 48' feet


Learn about custom cylinder options with our Product Configurator.


What Is a Tie Rod Cylinder?

Yates Cylinders Your Cylinder SourceA hydraulic cylinder, also referred to as a linear hydraulic motor, 机械致动器是否在许多应用中使用,例如制造业, machinery, construction and civil engineering. 这些买足球app推荐通过加压液压流体产生动力,并通过单向力推动车辆和机器. There are many varieties of hydraulic cylinders. Here’s what you need to know about these cylinders:

拉杆式液压缸利用强螺纹钢杆,以确保两个端盖的缸的桶. 有小口径买足球app推荐和大口径买足球app推荐. Small-bore cylinders typically contain four tie rods, 而大型汽缸需要多达20个拉杆来固定端盖. 拉杆液压缸可以很容易地拆卸维修,更换或定制.

Tie Rod Cylinders vs. Welded Cylinders

虽然拉杆和求推荐好的买球APP买足球app推荐都被用于动力流体系统, they have visible differences. 用于保持圆柱体在一起的端帽产生了最显著的差异. 求推荐好的买球APP买足球app推荐制造时,端盖固定在筒体上. 配件和安装也求推荐好的买球APP到每个相应的帽. The designs are static and cannot be altered.

求推荐好的买球APP汽缸比拉杆更为复杂和昂贵, but they offer advantages. 它们耐用、紧凑,能承受高压. 由于求推荐好的买球APP买足球app推荐紧凑,它们在空间有限的工业中很受欢迎. 耐用性使这些钢瓶理想的苛刻设置,如钢厂或海上炼油厂. 然而,设计的复杂性使它们的修复更具挑战性.

On the other hand, 拉杆变型的买足球app推荐具有四个或更多的螺纹拉杆螺栓,将买足球app推荐管固定在一起. Tie cylinders are common in the U.S. because they are easy to repair and disassemble. 他们有一个笨重的设计,特点静态密封之间的缸筒和端盖. 这些设计通常用于塑料或机械应用.

NFPA Cylinders

Several years ago, 制造商决定采用标准来规范线性执行器的特性和设计. Features such as port sizes, 买足球app推荐尺寸和安装风格已标准化,以确保买足球app推荐之间容易互换的制造商. 这意味着任何NFPA拉杆气瓶都可以由认证供应商的另一个气瓶替换.

The National Fluid Power Association is a U.S. 目前制定液压拉杆买足球app推荐规范和尺寸的组织. NFPA买足球app推荐有液压和气动两种版本,并可在铝, steel and stainless steel models. All NFPA cylinders, also referred to as Joint Industry Council cylinders, come with four tie rods secured with end caps.

Cylinder Repair

买足球app推荐买足球app推荐是液压行业备受尊敬的领导者. 我们销售各种买足球app推荐零件,包括小孔和大孔的选择. 我们还生产液压缸,所有这些都是按照NFPA标准设计的. If you need to replace or repair an NFPA cylinder, 我们有适当的制造机制,以快速和负担得起的修复买足球app推荐. 如果你需要为你的买足球app推荐更换零件,让你的制造过程再次运行, 我们可以把零件卖给你,并修理任何其他故障的买足球app推荐机构.

买足球app推荐买足球app推荐还建立定制买足球app推荐,用于各种工业应用, including manufacturing, construction, mobile machinery, and more. No matter your industry, 我们可以设计一个拉杆液压缸自动化或简化您的工业过程. 我们建造的所有定制气瓶都是负担得起的,并按照NFPA标准建造,以便将来易于维修.


适用于要求苛刻的铸造、钢厂、塑料和冲压行业. Tie rod cylinder application range from clamping, shearing and forging, to bending, press, and counterbalance. 我们所有的拉杆买足球app推荐都是在我们的St. Clair Shores, Michigan facility.

24/7 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Cylinder Repair

The highest quality cylinder repair the FIRST time, EVERY time!

您的气动和买足球app推荐的利润抢劫故障并不总是发生在营业时间. 这就是买足球app推荐的专家维修团队24小时待命的原因, 365 days per year to handle your cylinder repair. 除了维修,我们还提供买足球app推荐更换. Yates Cylinders offers the following:

  • Tie rod cylinder repairs that stand up to your original specs
  • When we say 24/7, we mean it
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Quick delivery and expediting
  • ISO 9001:2015 certified
  • 保证所有液压,气动和定制买足球app推荐维修
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Schedule a consultation

拥有超过50年的液压和气动买足球app推荐经验, 我们的团队可以为您的买足球app推荐需求提供行业领先的解决方案.

Emergency Line:
(800) 340-6024
Yates Michigan:
(586) 778-7680
Yates Alabama:
(256) 351-8081
Yates Georgia:
(678) 355-2240
Yates Ohio:
(513) 217-6777
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